Specificity of sinusoidal development of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation


  • Ph. D. Yuri N. Zelenov Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region. Yekaterinburg
  • Ph. D. Anna V. Gubareva Ural State Law University. Yekaterinburg
  • Ph. D. Kseniya E. Kovalenko Altai State University. Barnaul


Global changes in the economic, political and legal spheres that occurred in Russia in the last quarter of a century have led to a redistribution of vectors of cooperation between Russian participants of civil traffic and foreign partners. If earlier the Russian economy was an import-oriented country, then during the period of imposing sanctions against Russia, the main directions of export development for the period up to 2030 were developed, prepared in pursuance of paragraph 32 of the Action Plan "Supporting access to foreign markets and export support" Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25 February 2014 No. 259. The sinusoidal nature of the development of Russia's national economy, experiencing certain "ups and downs", its progressive integration into the world economy and the pervasive impact of the Internet have brought the Russians an opportunity to participate actively in the country's foreign economic activity. In the conditions of chronic stagnation, the ability of international and national firms to survive becomes key. More and more firms are entering foreign and global markets, which, in turn, increases the number of participants in the trade within the same space, and competition is becoming increasingly fierce. It is utopian to hope for macroeconomic stability in these conditions.


Professional independence, legal education, competence, educational process.



Los requisitos modernos para mejorar la calidad de vida en Rusia están relacionados con la mejora continua de la actividad humana, mejorando su efectividad mediante la optimización y el aumento de la intensidad de la ciencia, buscando e implementando las tecnologías más efectivas. La solución de estos problemas es prácticamente imposible sin la independencia profesional. La independencia profesional, en nuestra opinión, es una cualidad compleja, cuya estructura incluye las características morales, intelectuales y de actividad de individuos o colectivos que actúan en ciertas esferas. La naturaleza creativa de la actividad legal está determinada por el dinamismo e individualidad de las situaciones en que se lleva a cabo, la exclusividad del comportamiento de sus participantes, la ausencia en la mayoría de los casos de instrucciones inequívocas sobre los métodos y medios para regular las relaciones legales, la imposibilidad de aplicar instrucciones obligatorias, la irrepetibilidad de las condiciones reales que surgen en la regulación legal.

Palabras clave:

Independencia profesional, educación legal, competencia, proceso educativo.

Biografía del autor/a

Ph. D. Yuri N. Zelenov, Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region. Yekaterinburg






Cómo citar

Zelenov, P. D. Y. N., Gubareva, P. D. A. V., & Kovalenko, P. D. K. E. (2017). Specificity of sinusoidal development of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation. Universidad Y Sociedad, 9(5), 282–284. Recuperado a partir de https://rus.ucf.edu.cu/index.php/rus/article/view/743